Congratulations to Gunner Payne for qualifying and competing at the 2024 Middle School Track State Finals at Indiana State University today! He was joined by teammates and coaches who made the trip to cheer him on. Way to represent for Rambler Nation!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Congratulations to this week's positive office referral recipient, Neveah Niece. Mrs. Santon shared, " Neveah is full of creative ideas and a positive contributor to the art room environment!"
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Congratulations to this week's PRIDE ticket drawing winners!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Today the North WRCTE Criminal Justice went to the Attica Police Department to use the “Shoot/No Shoot” Simulator. The simulator has thousands of combinations of scenarios to work with. Student got an idea of how police officers make split decisions based on what is happening in each scenario. Big Thanks to APD Assistant Chief and SRO Kyle Askren for hosting us.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
The junior high and elementary student council members joined together to clean Ravine Park this afternoon. Thanks for your hard work.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
student council
student council
student council
student council
The freshmen in Mrs. Mattern's Preparing for College and Careers class are completing their formal interviews with community members, Cindy Mason, Adam Tyler, and Jerry Mattern. Twenty seven students finished their required individual interviews this week.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
The 6th grade SEL class created mental health awareness chalk drawings for the AHS entrance today.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
The 6th grade SEL class provided mental health awareness chalk drawings at the AHS entrance today.
The 6th grade SEL class provided mental health awareness chalk drawings at the AHS entrance today.
The 6th grade SEL class provided mental health awareness chalk drawings at the AHS entrance today.
The 6th grade SEL class provided mental health awareness chalk drawings at the AHS entrance today.
The 6th grade SEL class provided mental health awareness chalk drawings at the AHS entrance today.
The 6th grade SEL class provided mental health awareness chalk drawings at the AHS entrance today.
Check out these events hosted at Purdue this Summer- These events will be of particular interest to female, middle school students with a STEM interest, but please note that all students in middle school are welcome. The Women in Engineering Program at Purdue University is offering two, free Saturday events this summer. Both events are for middle school, 7th, 8th and future 9th grade students with an engineering interest. On Saturday, June 1st, we will virtually offer CEO: Connecting Engineers Online! This online event is from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., EST., and will be led in 3 different languages. On Saturday, July 13th, the Women in Engineering Program will host an all-day event on the Purdue University, West Lafayette campus. Participants of Engineering FYI: For Your Imagination, will work alongside Women in Engineering student mentors and take part in hands-on engineering activities. Anyone interested may also visit and look for further information and registration under the Events tab.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Mark Your Calendars: 2023-24 Middle School Awards Ceremony Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 2pm - 3pm Roy Jones Auditorium Please enter through the athletic/auditorium entrance (door 25). Doors will unlock at 1:45pm. There will be an area sectioned off for guests to sit.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
MS Awards
Mrs. Beck's animal science class has started dissecting rabbits!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Shoutout to the MS Boys Baseball team for their 14-2 win over North Montgomery this evening!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
It is hard to believe, but we have reached single digits to our end of the year countdown. Attached, you will find the schedule for the last four days of school this semester - Monday, May 20th - Thursday, May 23rd. We will operate on a normal schedule for Monday and Tuesday (Senior Finals), but the last two days (Wednesday-Thursday) will operate on an adjusted schedule for all classes, so that there is an extended class period devoted to final exams for each class over the course of this time. Middle school classes may not have a final exam, but will still follow the adjusted schedule.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Finals 2024 Spring
Enrollment is now open for the 2024 Summer Weights Program! Check your emails for the registration link. WHAT: Elective PE / weight training course for a high school credit. WHO: All AHS students currently in grades 8-11 are invited. However, enrollment will be limited due to limits of equipment and space in the weightroom. DAYS: Monday / Wednesday / Thursday over the Summer (June 3rd - July 25th) TIMES: 10:00am-11:30am or 11:30am - 1:00pm FORMAT: All sessions will be coed. Efforts will be made to coordinate times with the students’ schedules; however, enrollment in each session is limited. The number of sessions offered will depend on the number of students enrolled. DATES: The summer weights class will begin the 2nd week of summer (starting June 3rd) and will conclude the second to last week of summer (July 25th). There will be a one-week break during Moratorium week: June 30th - July 7th. This results in 21 class periods. TEACHERS: Teachers will be approved at the May ACSC School Board Meeting and are new staff to AHS. Space is Limited - SIGN UP NOW
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Summer Weights
Just a reminder that permission slips for the Kings Island Incentive Trip are due to be turned in on the following dates: High School (9-12) - Tues., May 14th Middle School (6-8) - Wed., May 15th Last call - Thurs., May 16th
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Kings Island End of the Year Incentive Trip - May 29th, 2024
This week we will be recognizing Mental Health Awareness - Student council is asking students and teachers to join them in wearing a specific color each day, as we recognize that particular disorder or illness. Monday- Anxiety (blue) Tuesday- Eating Disorder (purple) Wednesday- ADHD (orange) Thursday- Depression (gray) Friday- Mental Health (green) Student Council members will also be sharing information about the different illnesses throughout the week during Target Time.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Dress Up Days
Happy Mother's Day
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Mother's Day
Congratulations to Drew Mandeville, who shot his personal best in Bi-County and was a medalist!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
On Friday, the WRCTE North criminal justice class took a tour of the Warren jail. Students learned about the inner workings of a county jail and a little bit of what it takes to run a jail and deal with inmates. A big thank to corrections officers Audree Britt, Ashley White, Mark Marquess and administrative assistant Samantha Hill for being so welcoming and sharing their knowledge with us.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
jail tour
Thank you to Cindy Mason and Friends for donating gift cards for random drawings during the school day for our staff.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
gift card winner
gift card winner
gift card winner
gift card winner
gift card winner
gift card winner
gift card winner
Reminder: Attica Schools are not in session on Friday, May 10
10 months ago, Dawn Puckett