Congratulations to Mrs. Mattern and Mrs. Crane who were both awarded "Sagamore of Attica" awards from Superintendent Jon Acton at tonight's ACSC Board Meeting. Both received their awards for their work on our school's Veteran's Day Program.

Congratulations to Grace Osborne for being recognized at the board meeting as Student of the Month.
Charlie Haddock was also recognized, but was unable to attend.

During tonight's celebrating success portion of the ACSC School Board meeting, Coach Mattern was joined by her jr high cross country runners who qualified for the state meet in Terre Haute this past year. Congrats to Evelyn, Maggie, Rocco, Lucas and Logan Sichts(not pictured)

Mrs. DeAnda and the drama department have already started planning for the Spring Musical. Today is day 1 of their video reveal and we will have more videos to come until we finally announce our title. Stay tuned!

The students of Mrs. Current's Administration and Office Management class visited the new location of the Heart & Hands Thrift Shop last week and found some great items. The students were able to view the items by classification of merchandise. The displays enhanced special products to the customers who enter the store.

Right now, we're offering 25% OFF all Sideline Store purchases with code CYBERMONDAY, beginning 11/25/23 at 12:00 AM EST and ending 11/27/23 at 11:59 PM EST.

During SEL, our students worked on brainstorming “Acts of Service” they can offer to help with at home during the Thanksgiving break.

Second grade students have been busy working on Thanksgiving day assignments. They made a "Thankful" list, a grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner and math turkeys for Mrs. Helms. They made thankful turkeys and a lap book for Mrs. Anderson. We hope everyone has a great break and enjoys time with family! If

Mrs. VanDeWater’s class made Macy Day balloons for a parade today! The balloons turned out amazing!

Ramblers in the news.... We are all so proud of Aubrey!
Meet the Attica wrestler who beat the scale to become a state contender

The November edition of the Rambler News for your reading pleasure.

Our SMORE team has been hard at work. Check out what they have been up to https://www.smore.com/80a1x

Black Friday comes early. Starting now, we're offering 20% OFF all Sideline Store purchases with code BLACKFRIDAY beginning 11/20/23 at 12:00 AM EST and ending 11/24/23 at 11:59 PM EST. No minimum purchase required

Mrs. Current's Principles of Business class completed a project that entailed creating a Food Truck by designing and setting up a menu. The Culinary Arts students created one item from the Food Truck menu. The truck and the food were judged and awards given to the top 3 trucks and top 3 food items.
The students who placed in the Food Truck competition were based on votes by the student body. The food items were judged by some of the staff. The students received various items from local businesses as prizes.
Thank you to the community for supporting our programs.

Preschoolers have been learning about Thanksgiving and what it is to be Thankful.
They spent time this week making turkeys to share with their families!

Congratulations to this week's jr high PRIDE ticket drawing winners!

Freshman Teen Cafe #2.
They did a great job!

Mrs. Tague and Mrs. VanDeWaters classes disguised turkeys so they wouldn’t be eaten for Thanksgiving! The students had such a fun time decorating these!

3rd grade wrote about things in which they were thankful

Mrs. Larson's class had a Thanksgiving feast in Thursday