Just a quick reminder here that thanks to a partnership with the Wabash Heartland Innovation Network, we have a weather station right here at school. Want to know how hot, humid, or windy it is here in town? Or want to check out the soil temps and moisture at various depths to helping your growing season? You can check this out for timely, local information. Here's a link to the weather station: Attica Schools Weather Station - https://whin.org/weather/current-conditions-table/4902b7b6-a014-401b-9a1b-54a20aa774ae Or you can find it at the bottom of the menu on the school's website. You can also check out data from 180 other area weather stations that WHIN has partnered with farmers, schools, towns, and others to put out: WHIN Weather Stations - https://whin.org/weather/
9 months ago, Mr. Jensen
The AHS cross country runners enjoyed the morning canoeing on Sugar Creek. Interested runners are welcome to join us any Tuesday or Thursday from 7:00-9:00 am at the track for conditioning. More summer fun to come!!!! Coach Mattern would like to thank Coach Beck and Jess Bellomo for helping out today.
9 months ago, Mr. Jensen
The new elementary school is starting to come together. Even the classrooms are beginning to look like classrooms. We're excited for the next few whirlwind weeks as we get ready to open the brand new AES for the 2024/25 school year!
9 months ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Sneak peak at a classroom in the new elementary school, nearing completion!
AHS Coaching Openings
9 months ago, Dusty Goodwin
Attica High School Football Fundraiser You can use the link below to purchase tickets to the Purdue vs Indiana State football game on August 31st at 12pm in West Lafayette. The tickets are $30 each. The Attica Football Team will receive $10 from each ticket purchased through the link. Please help raise money for our football team and at the same time enjoy a Saturday afternoon rooting on the Boilers (or ISU). Tickets can be purchased until midnight on August 30. https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/PUFBSF24
9 months ago, Dusty Goodwin
The junior high and high school cross country runners worked after practice on Tuesday and Thursday this week to move the library books from AES to the high school as well as organize library materials for the new school year. Thanks to our runners for their help!
9 months ago, Mr. Jensen
XC library
XC library
XC library
XC library
XC library
XC library
XC library
Congratulations to Adyson Goodwin and James Lathrop. They were recognized at the Purdue Student Union today for be honorees for the J&C Scholar Athlete of the Year. The award is based on athletic & academic accomplishments, as well as community service.
9 months ago, Dusty Goodwin
The athletic department would like to thank all of our golf outing sponsors for their support. Also, we would like to thank Harrison Hills golf pro Timothy Davis for all he did to help with the outing. It was a beautiful day and everyone seemed to have a good time. Congratulations to Milly Birge, Joey Salts, Sydni Crain, and Adyson Goodwin for coming in 1st place with a 52.
9 months ago, Dusty Goodwin
golf outing winners
Morning practice is early but these cross country runners still hit the trails at Ravine Park after warm-up. If you’re interested in joining the team this fall contact Coach Mattern at 765-585-5423
9 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Congratulations to Luke Blankenship on being selected to the WRC Baseball team. Luke was honored tonight at the WRC Spring Sports Banquet held at the Beef House.
9 months ago, Mr. Jensen
We are hiring for bus drivers! Please contact ACSC transportation director Andrew Hall with any questions.
9 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Summer Weights class has started!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
summer weights
Cross Country conditioning will begin tomorrow morning from 7:00-9:00 am at the track for high school and middle school runners. Contact Coach Mattern at 765-585-5423 if you have questions.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Coach Dean and his team have been hard at work preparing for the upcoming season. This morning they went to the South Vermillion 7 on 7 invite.
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Attica High School is proud to play host of the IHSAA golf sectional 13 at Harrison Hills Country Club this morning. Best of luck to all teams!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Congratulations to all the jr high school students who made honor roll for Quarter 4 this school year!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
Ms As
Ms a/b
Congratulations to all the high school students who made honor roll for Quarter 4 this school year!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
hs A's
hs a/b
We had such a great time at Kings Island today!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
kings island
kings island
kings island
kings island
Attica has arrived at Kings Island!
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
JR HIGH TENNIS CAMP INFORMATION : Times: 3pm-4:30, June 24" - Wednesday, June 26m • Address: Attica High School Tennis Courts CONTACT INFORMATION • John Dill (765)366-3288 / Rose Mattern (765) 299-9328 • Confirmation must be sent to the phone numbers above prior to June 17". • Respond with players name, grade, and emergency
10 months ago, Mr. Jensen
tennis camp