Thanks to a partnership between WHIN and Attica Consolidated School Corporation, there is now a weather station at the ACSC campus, and you can access the live weather data 24/7 from the internet:
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
WHIN Weather Station at ACSC Business Office
Today, Chris Goris assumes the position of Treasurer for the Attica Consolidated School Corporation. Chris coaches middle school golf and girls' varsity golf and has been Deputy Treasurer and Administrative Assistant for the corporation offices.
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Chris Goris, incoming treasurer
Having started at Attica at the beginning of the 2016 school year, Deanna Hutts today retires as Treasurer of the Attica Consolidated School Corporation. Her dedicated service has helped keep our financial ship afloat and our business processes moving. We are very appreciative of all the work she has put in on our behalf and we wish the best!
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Deanna Hutts, retiring as treasurer
On Thursday 6/21, we will be performing major work on the school's internet connection, beginning at 2pm. While the work is ongoing, there will be internet or telephone service on campus. Additionally, during the work, there will be no access to Harmony for teachers, students, or families. The work is expected to conclude by 6pm the same day.
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Network equipment with cables and link-lights.
Please remember that construction on the new elementary school is underway. The high school parking lot can busy at times with a lot of workers moving from place to place, as well as heavy trucks and construction equipment. So please use care when you come to the high school main entrance or to the corporation business office.
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Congrats to the @AtticaSchools @AtticaRamblers1 Trap Team on pacing 2nd at the State meet today!
almost 2 years ago, Attica Consolidated School Corp.
Attica Trap Team
We are celebrating our ABSA Youth League players and coaches before the Varsity @AtticaSchools @AtticaRamblers1 @Red_Ramblers Baseball game tonight against @FaithEagles
almost 2 years ago, Attica Consolidated School Corp.
Junior league baseball