Parents, please don't forget: your AHS student's registration must include the "signed" Internet Acceptable Use Policy in order for them to receive their school device when school starts on Monday. You can do this online in Harmony, as part of the registration paperwork.

Check out the "New" edition of Rambler News at https://www.smore.com/mj3b6-rambler-news

Attica Community Foundation has awarded a grant to AHS for expansion and continued development of robotics-based STEM education through both classroom learning and VEX Robotics Competition teams. More in the news on the site and app!

AHS has been awarded an Attica Community grant to establish a Low Ropes Course. Mrs. Stacy Mattern says the goal will be to develop "teamwork, creative thinking, problem-solving, appropriate communication, collaboration and work ethic.” More in the news on the site and app!

The Attica Community Foundation has awarded a grant to Mrs. Tague's Birthday Books program at Attica Elementary School. With this program, students celebrate birthdays by going to the office and picking out a book to take home! More details in the news on the site and app!

Just a reminder for tomorrow's open house from 5-6:30pm and the Back to School Bash from 5-8pm. We can't wait to see you there!

Teachers come back this morning for their first official day of professional development and final preparations for the school year which starts on Monday. Anything is possible!

Teachers come back this morning for their first official day of professional development and final preparations for the school year which starts on Monday. Anything is possible!

Football practice is in full swing! Coach Allen, along with his staff and student-athletes have put work in all Summer and look forward to the upcoming season.

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our phone lines. Technicians are working on the problem. For immediate needs, please email building or corporation office staff. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Tennis practice will be held Wednesday night at the tennis courts at the school. This is open to both high school and junior high students that want to play tennis this year. Practices will be from 6:00-7:30 pm this week. Players and coaches should park on South Morningside Dr. and enter through the gate to get to the tennis courts. The coaches will be Coach Ashley and Coach Driver. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Lathrop at tlathrop@attica.k12.in.us.

Dining information for Attica Elementary and Attica Jr.-Sr. High School is now available on the website and app. Printable menus are available from link in the top-right of the website landing page.

Our new Rambler News Newsletter is ready for your viewing! Lots of valuable information on our return to school on August 7th! Where did the summer go? https://www.smore.com/kcswxv-rambler-news

For portions of this afternoon, between 2pm and 5pm, Harmony may be temporarily inaccessible due to electrical work being done at the school. We apologize for an inconvenience this may cause to families at this busy registration time of year.

Here's a sneak-peak inside the the new elementary school building!

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Attica Ramblers!
It's everything Attica Ramblers, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3XjMKZc
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3NFTnSu

We would like to congratulate Carter Ashley, Evan Meador, Zoe Phillippo, and Louisa Rosswurm, who gave up part of their summer to take part in the at-home Summer Coding Bootcamp, where they had an opportunity to expand on computer coding skills they learned in last year's high ability STEAM class at AES. These students used Disney Code Illusion to learn how to write code in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Once the school year starts, they will each be presented with gift certificates as a reward for their hard work.

Attica Jr.-Sr. High School School is proud to have been awarded a $3,000 grant by the Western Indiana Community Foundation and the Harrison Steel Fund, which offers financial support to initiatives which serve the changing needs of the Attica community. This money is to go toward further advancing hands-on STEM and robotics education in the junior high and high school.

Online registration for this school year starts at 9am for returning students. New students must come to register in-person at the High School cafeteria, between 12pm and 6pm.

The new elementary school is starting to look like an actual building. Well... Starting to!
This time next year, we'll be getting ready to welcome teachers and students into that building!