This Tuesday morning, during Target Time, there will be an informational meeting / "call out" for Junior High competition robotics in Mr. Corduan's classroom, AHS 304. Any interested or curious students (Grades 6 - 8) are welcome to attend. There are a limited number of spots, but those spots are not only for builders and drivers, but also students to help create a web page, promote the time, organize supplies, and more. Competition event dates are not yet set, but the game this year will be Full Volume, and a promotional video for this challenge will be shared at the meeting. Students or parents with questions are welcome to contact Mr. Corduan (
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Promo shot by VEX for Full Volume, this year's junior high competition event
The students have been busy in Mrs. Current's Principles of Business classes. The students tried to guess the Brand name logos of over 100 items and spelling out their names using brands to describe themselves during the first week of school. The class has also covered wants vs needs, goods and services, the types of economic resources, and supply and demand in business.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Principles of Business
Principles of Business
Principles of Business
Principles of Business
Principles of Business
Principles of Business
Preschool is off to a great start!  Kiddos are quickly settling into a routine and  making new friends! We are working on name recognition, colors and some fine motor skills.
over 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
Mrs. Mattern and Ms. Cunningham met with Senior class Teen Cafe hosts today. Teen cafes will start in the coming weeks.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
teen cafe
teen cafe
teen cafe
teen cafe
Please join us in welcoming Raquel to Attica Jr-Sr High School!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
AHS Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Scifres, met with all high school students today during Target Time to discuss bullying prevention education. She will be meeting with all middle school students tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
bullying prevention education
Looking for Attica Red Rambler Athletic Schedules? Eventlink is here to help. Download the app and set up notifications for team schedules.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Eventlink APP Instructions
Eventlink Instructions
The Wabash Heartland Innovation Network has awarded Attica Consolidated School Corporation over $35,000 this year for technology to advance digital learning, including a set of interactive displays, device-charging systems, and digital drawing tablets that students in art and engineering classes will be able to use on their school Chromebooks.
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
WHIN E-Learning Initiative, a child doing schoolwork and learning at home
Please join us in welcoming our newest staff member to our school family, Adrienne Mix. Mrs. Mix will be an instructional assistant and helping in various classrooms throughout the school day.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
welcome Mrs. Mix
Students and staff of AHS now have access to three new tools, thanks to a grant award obtained by Ms. Stockdell. While at school, using the school's internet, they can now access (, Fold3 (, and ( These three sites are excellent resources for family and local history research.
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Nineveh Berry's store in Alexandria, Indiana 1836 - unidentified man
Thanks to a generous donation from ESI Tech Advisors (, the competition robotics teams for high school and junior high have been able to purchase parts storage for their room at AHS and for on-the-road at events. Thanks, ESI!
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Parts storage for competition robotics at AHS, thanks to a donation from ESI.
Seventh grade students in Mr. Corduan's Design & Modeling class spent their first week designing an Ankle-Foot Orthosis. They had to plan, illustrate, shop for parts, and then assemble a model of their design, which had to meet meet rigorous requirements in order to be therapeutically appropriate for a preteen child with cerebral palsy, dealing with spams in their leg muscles. Each of the three groups ended up with a complete design and a working model, that they even had to wear in order to test out.
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Seventh graders displaying their AFO, which included velcro enclosures and elastic ties.
Seventh graders showing their AFO, which was fully padded and supported in layers.
Seventh graders showing their AFO, which secured the foot with straps and offered a lot of support of the lower leg.
Mrs. Mattern's Intro to Culinary classes spent much of the week learning to make pickles. Today’s culminating event was their opportunity to fry their pickles. Pictured above is the perfect example of our product from kitchen # 3!!! 6th grade classes also got in on the action.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
fried pickles
fried pickles
fried pickles
fried pickles
We have had a great week back to school at Attica Jr-Sr High School. Here is a link to our most recent Student Updates. Inside you will find important information about what is going on at AHS.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Attica Ramblers, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corp.
it's everything attica ramblers, in your pocket
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corp.
it's everything attica ramblers, in your pocket
Our staff is excited and ready for the first day of the 2023-24 school year!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
AHS staff
With school starting back tomorrow this is just a reminder that our busses will be out and about getting students to and from school. Please help keep our students safe by stopping for our busses when they have their stop arm extended.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
stop to bus stop arm
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Attica Ramblers! It's everything Attica Ramblers, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corp.
it's everything attica ramblers, in your pocket
Parents, please don't forget: your AES student's registration must include the "signed" Internet Acceptable Use Policy in order for them to use their school iPad or Chromebook when school starts on Monday. You can do this online in Harmony, as part of the registration paperwork.
over 1 year ago, Attica Consolidated School Corporation
Ben Franklin signature (public domain image)