It's Valentine's Day, so why not decorate the cafeteria for a candle-lit lunch and play some love songs! Oh, and everyone student also got a box of chocolates!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Our AHS culinary students made 4 dozen valentine sugar cookies for the Autumn Trace residents. These three students were awarded samples for taste testing.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Mrs. Beck's ALS Animal Science class had a guest speaker today to demonstrate how to draw blood from a fish. The class was also able to examine the fish cells under the microscope and compare them to human cells. Thank you Mr. Newman for visiting us today.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Aubree Jones and Dallas Bartlett show off their A+ muffins that the culinary students baked for the AHS and AES staff for tomorrow. These cranberry, walnut, orange zest muffins promise to be a winner! Thanks for the efforts of all the culinary students in providing a deliciously healthy snack to staff!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
The Western Indiana Community Foundation is embarking on an exciting initiative to understand and address the needs of our residents, and we need your valuable input! We've created a brief Community Needs Survey to gather insights and perspectives from individuals like you in Fountain County. Your responses will play a crucial role in shaping future initiatives and making our community an even better place to live. Specifically, creating a better quality of life for our communities through parks and recreation. Would you be willing to take a few minutes to complete the survey and share it with your friends, family, and neighbors? Your collective input will help us prioritize projects and allocate resources where they are needed most. Thank you for being an essential part of our community. Your voice matters, and together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant future. Click to access the survey - >
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Mrs. Santons high school students are working on printmaking collages
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Today's Homecoming Dress Up theme is "Swap Day". Teachers dress like students and students dress like teachers.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Our 6th graders are preparing for JA Biztown. Today, they learned about their roles as citizens in a community and the role of government in communities.  They talked about what it means to be an entrepreneur and tried to budget while running their own virtual lemonade stand.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Our Archery Team has been doing great this season. Check out the results from their last few meets. The Indoor State Shoot will be held this weekend February 16th & 17th at the Fountain County Fairgrounds. 1st Indoor Regional Hannah Lacy- 2nd Place Layne Wilson- 2nd Place Ryleigh Farley- 2nd Place Youth Team- 3rd Place Young Adult Team- 3rd Place 2nd Indoor Regional Kynsleigh Farley- 2nd Place Henry Hesler- 2nd Place Taylor Clevenger- 3rd Place Hannah Lacy- 1st Place Ryleigh Farley- 3rd Place Youth Team- 3rd Place Young Adult Team- 3rd Place 3rd Indoor Regional Kynsleigh Farley- 1st Place Hannah Lacy- 1st Place Ryleigh Farley- 1st Place
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
It's homecoming week! Show your school spirit by participating in our dress up days!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
homecoming dress up days
Trinity Crane, Keleigh Moore, and Nick Shelton are attending the IMEA Circle the State With Song Choir Festival today at Crawfordsville Senior High. Their concert will be at 5:30 tonight, with doors open at 5:00. Tickets are $5 cash at the door or can be purchased online at
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Bo Rice gets his first loss of the season in the second round of semi-state. Rambler Nation is so proud of you Bo! Great season and career as a Rambler wrestler!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Big things are coming at Attica Schools!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
new stadium
Bo Rice stays undefeated with a 4-2 win in the first round of Semi-State.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Bo Rice
Bo Rice
Bo Rice
Bo Rice
This week we celebrated National Counselor Week. We want to give a big shout out to Emily Phillips for all she does for our staff and students at AES. There are many schools that feel they have a great counselor, and I am sure they do. However, there can only be one that is the very best, and we have her. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to our kids, Emily!!!
about 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
AES celebrated "National Send A Card To A Friend Day" this week by making and exchanging Valentine's Day cards with the middle and high school students. They were so excited to receive cards from the "big" kids!
about 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
Such a fun way for students to be active and engaged with learning the long a sound. Students had to find their friends and look at the picture they had and write the long a word in the box that corresponded with the number on the card. In the other activity, students had to guess and write the long a word that they thought would be chosen and if correct, they got to do a quick exercise type activity!!
about 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
District IV proficiency results for the Attica FFA Members are in! Congrats to all! Caleb Crowder - 1st in Agriculture Mechanics Design & Fabrication Carter Helms - 1st in Diversified Crop Production Placement Alec Bossaer - 1st in Environmental Science & Natural Resource Management Boden Rice - 2nd in Landscape Management
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
We ended the school day by sending off Bo Rice with a Rambler lap around the school, allowing everyone to wish him good luck at semi-state tomorrow. Last Saturday, Bo became just the 5th Attica wrestler to ever win a Regional Championship. He will now take a 33-0 record to East Chicago High School Semi-State
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
It was rivalry day at AHS!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen