Congratulations to Attica Elementary students of the month Zoey Lowery and Henry Hesler, who were recognized at tonight's ACSC board meeting.

Just sending a quick reminder about the January 31 deadline for high school juniors to apply for the 2024 Indiana Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington, D.C.
The Indiana Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. visits our nation’s capital to learn more about how government functions, interact with Indiana’s congressional delegation, and network with peers from around the country.
This summer’s all-inclusive trip is June 16-23, 2024, and includes travel, meals, lodging, and activities. Selected students can also compete for college scholarships by applying for the Youth Leadership Council.
Students will be chosen for the trip based on their submitted applications. All applicants must be sponsored by an electric cooperative and have completed their junior year in high school at the time of the trip. Home-schooled students are eligible to apply.
Trip highlights include visiting Gettysburg, Washington monument and museum tours, the Potomac River cruise, meetings on Capitol Hill with Indiana’s congressional delegation, the opportunity to make lifelong friends, and much more. This really is the trip of a lifetime!
Dates: June 16-23, 2024
Where to Apply: tipmont.com/youthtour
Application Deadline: January 31, 2024
Cost: None
Eligibility: Current high school juniors who live inside the boundaries of the Tipmont service area are eligible to apply. Home-schooled students are also encouraged to apply.
To complete the application, students will need:
o Your current GPA
o Your ACT and/or PSAT/SAT scores (optional)
o A current photo of yourself to upload
o A parent or guardian to digitally sign your application
Selection: Finalists will interview with Tipmont staff and board members in mid-February and will be notified of selection by the end of February.
Questions from Students/Parents: Tipmont REMC Member Service at 800-726-3953

Reminder: Permission slips must be turned in before school tomorrow, 1/30, in order to attend the incentive movie trip.

Attica High School would like to thank McDonalds for their $500 donation to the Attica Athletic Department. Your continued support is appreciated!!

Great job by our wrestlers and coaches representing Rambler Nation at sectionals today!

Six choir students participated in the ISSMA District Vocal Solo/Ensemble competition today in West Lafayette. Gwen Duncan, Lucas Marquess, Jacob Munson, Janie Hemp, Nora Smalley, and Keleigh Moore all prepared vocal solos to sing for judges. Attica ended the day with five gold ratings and one silver. Gwen Duncan will be performing again at the State Solo/Ensemble competition in Indianapolis this February!

Congratulations to the 2024 Basketball Homecoming Court-
The attendants for the freshmen class will be Hope Borst and Josiah Barnett
For the sophomores, it will be Grace Hiller and Henry Gonzalez
For the juniors, it will be Hayden Nichols and Marshall Peeken
The senior class king representatives are:
Alec Bossaer
Rylan Farrell
Carter Helms
James Lathrop
The senior class queen representatives are:
Mitzy Arizmendi
Mia Edwards
Kennadi Stamper
Hailey VanDeWater

Congratulations to Talon Bowlus on receiving this week's positive office referral award. Talon was actually written up by two staff members-
Mrs. Galloway said," I have been very proud of Talon lately. I have noticed several improvements, ranging from school work to his conduct in classes. Keep making good choices, Talon. Your efforts are not going unnoticed. " Mrs. Haley shared, " Talon has started this new semester so well! He has come to class, actively participated, and showed a refreshed and renewed sense of drive to work hard. I always enjoy Talon, but have especially enjoyed the drive I have noticed so far. Thanks for the hard work Talon!"

Congratulations to this week's jr high PRIDE ticket drawing winners!

Our high school students have "crushed" NWEA this Winter!

Mrs. Beck's 7th grade Exploring Agricultural class investigated agricultural products today. They also learned to use microscopes to help with their investigation. The other pictures are of salt, sugar, and pepper under the microscope.

Girls Swim/Dive Sectionals are next Thursday and Saturday at Crawfordsville High School. No cash will be accepted at the gate, but can be purchased online ahead of time. Credit cards can be used to purchase the $7 session ticket only.
Thursday ticket link: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=63204
Saturday ticket link: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=63205
The $12 All-Session Pass can be purchased from either of these links.

The Attica Girls Varsity Basketball team will play Friday, Feb 2 @ 7:30PM. The sectional will be at Attica High School this year. Use the link below to purchase your tickets. IHSAA wants all tickets purchased digitally, prior to the game. Once you purchase your ticket, it will be on your phone and will be redeemed at the door. Please do not click on TAP TO REDEEM before getting to the gym. Ticket takers will click that for you. If it has already been clicked prior, you will have to purchase another ticket.
If you have any questions, please contact Dusty Goodwin -- 765-762-7000 Ext 3000.

ACSC: Attica CS will be on a 2 Hour Delay for Wednesday, January 24th. Attica Jr-Sr High School will operate on a 2 hour delay schedule. Morning vocationals have been cancelled. Please be safe on your morning travels.

Attica CS will be on a 2 Hour Delay for Wednesday January 24th. Please be safe on your morning travels.

The Girls JV/Varsity Basketball game @ Parke Heritage is now POSTPONED until Saturday, January 27th. JV will only be 2 quarters and is set to start at Noon. Varsity to follow.

The Girls JV/Varsity Basketball game at Parke Heritage is STILL ON for tonight. JV will only be 2 quarters and is set to start at 6pm. Varsity to follow. Good luck Lady Ramblers!

The North Vermillion 6th grade girls basketball tournament has been cancelled, but we were able to make-up one game. It has been rescheduled for tomorrow night, January 24th at North Vermillion. Start time of 6pm.

Last Thursday, ISP Detectives Josh Edwards and Brock Russell visited the WRCTE north criminal justice class at Attica High School. They talked about what it’s like to be an ISP detective and also shared a past case that they worked.

Attica Schools are moving to an E-Learning Day for January 23rd, 2024. Road conditions have worsened since early this morning. Assignments will be posted by 9 am. Please be safe if you must be out.