We would like to congratulate Andrew Hall (3rd Grade ELA Teacher) for being nominated and chosen as the WAZY (96.5) Excellent Educator of the month. WAZY surprised Andrew today in his classroom with gifts and prizes. You can catch the video on WAZY's website, https://wazy.com/ . Just click on CONTESTS and then EXCELLENT EDUCATOR. The video has not been posted as of 1:00PM
over 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
wazy and andrew
Lunch with the Principal and staff
over 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
LWP — November
Attica Elementary School would like to give a BIG thank you to WABASH OVERHEAD DOORS in Williamsport for paying off all negative lunch balances for our AES students. We really appreciate it.
over 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
Wabash Overhead Doors
We went and did it AGAIN! Attica Jr/Sr High School was notified yesterday by the Indiana Department of Education that we had ONCE AGAIN achieved a 100% Graduation Rate for 2023! The average graduation rate for the State of Indiana is currently 86.4%. Achieving a graduation rate of 100% is no small feat! It takes every RAMBLER FAMILY MEMBER to make this happen! Congratulations to everyone!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
100% Graduation Rate
Mrs. Santon's high school Art classes have been working on a Fairy House Sculpture Project.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
fairy house
fairy house
fairy house
fairy house
fairy house
fairy house
fairy house
fairy house
Check out these Mushrooms created by Mrs. Santon's Sculpture artists!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
AES Core Value of the Month
over 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
gratitude poster
Congrats to our junior high spell bowl team who placed second at last night’s regional competition!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Jr high
High Ability students from the corporation spent the day in Chicago checking out the Museum of Science and Industry. Part of their trip included a tour of the U-505, a German submarine that was captured by the Americans during WW2.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Attica High School will hold our annual Veteran’s Day Program at 9:00 am on Friday, November 10th, 2023. The in-person program will be held at the high school in the Roy Jones Auditorium. A special reception for Veterans and their guests will begin at 8:00 am in the foyer. If you are interested in attending, there are a number of ways to respond. You may return the bottom portion of this letter with a student of either school. You may also call 765-762-7000 ext. 4323 and RSVP, or you may email Annette Crane at acrane@attica.k12.in.us or Sarah Mattern at smattern@attica.k12.in.us We will also be showing a powerpoint presentation of our Veterans and current active-duty military. If you have a photo you would like to submit, feel free to send it to school with a student, drop the photo off at the high school office, or email the photo to Mrs. Crane or Mrs. Mattern. Please be sure to include the name and branch of service with submission of photos. We look forward to honoring you on this special day!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
vet day
Congrats to the AHS Spell Bowl team for taking first place at the McCutcheon regional competition last night. We are still awaiting results to see if they qualified for the State Championship for a second year in a row. Special shoutout to James Lathrop for a perfect round!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
The AHS drama department put on an extra special performance of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" this afternoon. Students and staff from grades 2-12 were all in attendance.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
AES Students of the Month -- October First Row: Ruth Osborne, Charlie Haddock, Easton Quigle, Avery Quigle, Caysen McCormick, Emeri Stonebraker, Owen Mitchell, and Grace Osborne Second Row: Grace Pattengale, Lucas Noriega-Chambers, Kate Bellomo, Henley Rice, Benton Jean, Jensen Beck, Abigail Hartwig, Tate Rooze, Ellie Pithoud, and Zayde Seward. Not Pictured: Charlie Hesler
over 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
SOM — Oct
Mrs. Current's Principles of Business classes researched businesses that have gone away. The students designed a tombstone for those dead brands with the date founded and then the closed date. Will those brands ever come back from the grave?
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Happy Halloween from the AHS staff!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
AES Family Literacy Night Be sure to join us! There will be games and BINGO where students can win books!
over 1 year ago, Dusty Goodwin
fam lit night
Come join us for our first Trick or Treat Event at ACSC. Classes from AES and teams/clubs from the high school will be setting up tables in the main gym for you to come trick or treat from 6-7pm on Tues, Oct 31st. Please enter through door 25 (Athletic/Auditorium Entrance)
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Trick or Treat
Excellent job by the cast and crew of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Make sure to check out the October edition of Rambler News to see all the great things happening at ACSC. https://www.smore.com/mse7z-rambler-news
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen
Congratulations to this week's jr high PRIDE Ticket drawing winners.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Jensen