Our 6th graders went to JA BizTown today. They were introduced to important aspects of work readiness, entrepreneurship, civics, and financial literacy. Attica students were in charge of running 6 businesses such as Radio Disney, Citizens Energy Group, TrueU, One America, SalesForce, and FedEx. Each student worked on assigned tasks based on their job title and were paid accordingly. They learned how to endorse and cash checks while being able to use a debit card to purchase items with their earnings. What a great learning experience for our AHS 6th graders and they did a fantastic job!

Congratulations to all our Winter Sports Athletic Award Winners!

AHS students from our PPC class as well as seniors from the precision machining are ready to tour Harrison Steel today. Thanks to their employees for leading us on a tour.

Check out these amazing ARTISTS who created new ceiling tiles to be added this year!

ACSC will be dismissing early on April 8th, 2024 due to the Total Solar Eclipse. AES will release at 12:45pm. AHS will release at 1pm. There will be NO after school activities on April 8th, 2024

At tonight's board meeting Ms. Stockdell's advanced composition students presented their ideas, and reasons behind them, for naming the new lane that will be around the back of campus.
Proposals were made for:
- Progress Drive
- Big Tom Boulevard
- Lewis Bruce Lane

During the celebrating success portion of tonight's board meeting the DECA members who qualified and competed at the recent State competition shared their experiences. Congrats to Eli, Drew, Alec, and James!

Congratulations to Zane Borst, Lucas Noriega-Chambers, and Izzy Galloway for being recognized as students of the month for music.
Luke Sweezy was also recognized, but not in attendance.

New NWEA Records came in over break. The High School board has been updated!

New NWEA Records came in over break. The JR High board has been updated!

Scholastic Honor Jackets arrived over break and we were able to get them passed out today. Special thanks to Horizon Bank and Harrison Steel for continuing to sponsor this program and provide jackets to students who earn them.

All trash bags will be delivered tomorrow and can be picked up from 3:00-5:00 tomorrow evening at AES.

Our choir students have begun their spring fundraiser. They will be selling cake rolls, cookie dough, or pretzels. Thank you in advance to all of you who decide to support our choir students this way!

Come join us to officially welcome Coach Dean to Rambler Nation this Wednesday prior to the Winter Athletic Awards Banquet.

Attica Elementary School has an opening for a certified K-5 teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested, please send a resume & reference list (including phone numbers) to dgoodwin@attica.k12.in.us. This position will be open until filled. Interviews will take place the week of April 23. If you have questions, please contact Dusty Goodwin (765-762-7000 Ext 3000)

Attica Elementary School has an opening for a certified K-5 teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested, please send a resume & reference list (including phone numbers) to dgoodwin@attica.k12.in.us. This position will be open until filled. Interviews will take place the week of April 23. If you have questions, please contact Dusty Goodwin (765-762-7000 Ext 3000)

Progress is being made on the new stadium and concession stand.

Some interior updates have taken place over Spring break. Thanks to Roemer Home Furnishings for your help to make this project come to life.
This is the newly designed hallway leading to the pool and out to the stadium.

It's spring break, but the construction of the new elementary school is still moving along at full speed. Getting ready to open for classes this August!

We ended the day today with our annual "Lid Lifter" event where the seniors play the staff in volleyball and basketball. The staff came out victorious once again! Always a great time!