Several seniors and two juniors participated in the “Hire Me” event at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds today. Students had the opportunity to complete live interviews with numerous companies. Sam Wilkinson and Seth Miller were interviewed by Greater Lafayette Magazine on their reaction to this opportunity. Students responded favorably to this event and felt it was useful as they prepare for the next step after graduation. Mrs. Current and Mrs Mattern were chaperones for the event and are very proud of how our students represented Attica High School.

The archery team has 5 students from Attica competing in the S3DA Indoor Archery Nationals in Owensboro, Kentucky starting this Friday.
We would like to wish the best of luck to:
Taylor Clevenger
Kendyl Clevenger
Hannah Lacy
Layne Wilson
Dallas Hollingsworth

It's "Public Sleeping Day" so we took a short nap during Target Time today. #FunapaloozaContinues

Mr. Berg and the 6th grade band continue to improve every day. Great work by all!

Your Red Rambler Boys Basketball team is in action tonight vs Rossville for the first round of Sectionals

Our students are having a blast finding pokemon on #pokemonday
Mrs. Scifres sure has been busy passing out prizes to her visitors.

Congratulations to Attica Lady Ramblers Senior, Adyson Goodwin, on being named to the WRC All-Conference Team and All Bi-County Team!

We are celebrating Pokemon Day at Attica Jr-Sr High School today! Collect some pokemon for prizes!

We are excited to announce that during tonight's ACSC School Board Meeting, the ACSC School Board unanimously approved the hiring of our next head football coach, Mr. Derek Dean!
Coach Dean played football for 4 years at Wabash College and most recently was the head football coach at Frontier High School. We look forward to his energy and drive leading our football program into the future!
Please join us in welcoming Coach Dean to Rambler Nation!

During tonight's ACSC Board Meeting, Mr. Acton awarded each of our school board members with a Sagamore of Attica award.

Today, A*H*S is celebrating National Kindness Day. It doesn’t take any effort at all to do a random act of kindness. You might consider sending an uplifting text to someone or helping another student with their homework. If someone drops something, stop and help them pick it up. If you are opening a door, hold it open for someone else. You just never know the impact you will make on someone’s life by doing a random act of kindness… Let’s see who can do the most acts of kindness today… you might just find yourself rewarded for making someone else's day!
Staff "treated" students they witnessed performing random acts of kindness all day today.

During the celebrating success portion of tonight's ACSC Board Meeting, Mr. Jensen highlighted the Class of 2025 Rising Stars, Meredith Rosswurm, Joslyn Barnett, Addy Small, and Madalynn Beck.

Elijah Lathrop competed at the ISSMA Instrumental State Solo and Ensemble today and came home with a silver medal. Congratulations Elijah!

STEAM Saturday kids had a fun and exciting morning! This Saturday we focused on the “A” (art) in STEAM. A special thank you to Sophia from Sophie’s HEART Community Art Project for coming and leading us in a pointillism painting activity. She taught us about various artists, new painting techniques, and our state bird! It was so special having Sophia, a former AES student, help us today!!

ICYMI - Some Red Ramblers made the front page of the Fountain County Neighbor on February 22nd!

The 2024 Winter Homecoming Dance has started!

Congratulations to this year's Winter Homecoming Queen Kennadi Stamper and King James Lathrop.

Tonight we recognized Shae Meador for her athletic accomplishments as the very first female wrestler for Attica Jr-Sr High School. Shae now has a shadow box out in our Athletic Lobby. Shae wrestled 3 years and finished with a career record of 17-5. Shae placed all three years at the state wrestling tournament, taking 3rd place in 2020, 6th place in 2022, and was crowned STATE CHAMPION in 2021. Shae is currently studying biochemistry at DePauw University on the pre physicians assistant track.

Always great to have the dance team performing at our games!

Always great to see our alumni back at AHS. Thanks to all who joined us tonight as part of the alumni pep band.