We are celebrating "National Oreo Cookie Day" today!

"Book Madness" is happening outside of Ms. Stockdell's room.

Attica, Covington, Fountain Central, and Seeger High School bands playing together under the direction of guest director, Mr. Jim Hopkins, at tonight's Bi-County Band Festival.

AHS Band, under the direction of Mr. Matt Berg, performing at the bi-county band concert.

Mrs. Crane’s sophomores are collaborating to write children’s books.

Congratulations to the jr high students who made the honor roll for the 3rd quarter of the school year.

Congratulations to the high school students who made the honor roll for the 3rd quarter of the school year.

Our DECA students are having a great time at the conference and we look forward to them returning to share their experiences.

The DECA teams did an awesome job at the state conference and competed with over 2,300 students. Unfortunately, neither one of our teams placed in the finalist category. The boys did an awesome job and it was a great first year experience for us as a team and our school. We are all so proud of them!

If your business/organization would like to participate in the @AtticaSchools JOB FAIR on Thurs, April 11, 8:30am-2pm please fill out the reservation form below!

This Friday, March 8th, we will be celebrating our students and staff by heading to Mike Aulby's Arrowhead Bowling Alley. Thanks to Mike Alsop's Chevrolet Buick for covering the cost of pizza and bowling for all eligible students.

ATTICA CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS are currently accepting transfer requests for the 2024-2025 school year. Welcome to the A...the Best Small School Corporation in the State! Find out more here ---> www.attica.k12.in.us

Attica Schools are currently accepting transfer requests for the 24-25 school year. Welcome to the A...the Best Small School Corporation in the State! Find out more here ---> www.attica.k12.in.us

You only have two opportunities to see Attica Jr-Sr High School's production of "The Music Man Jr".
Come join us this Friday and Saturday, March 1st and 2nd, both at 7pm.

We had an extra special showing of "The Music Man, Jr" this afternoon for our entire school; 3rd-5th graders from AES even came over to join us. Great job by the cast & crew!
Come see them put on more performances this Friday and Saturday night, both, open to the public, at 7pm

We are celebrating employee appreciation day and treated our staff to lunch today.

Congratulations to the end of the quarter PRIDE ticket drawing winner, Aydin Britt! Aydin won a $50 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Farm Bureau Insurance.

Congratulations to this week's postive office referral recipient, Seth Miller.
Mrs. Mattern said, " I am pleased to nominate Seth Miller for a Positive Office Referral. Today at the "Hire Me" event held at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds Seth demonstrated a level of maturity that was quite impressive as he participated in various interviews with employers of companies from the greater Lafayette area. He demonstrated enthusiasm and confidence and was dressed for success. Seth represented Attica High School well and certainly has the potential to become a valuable employee in a career of his choosing. "

AES Core Value of the Month

Several seniors and two juniors participated in the “Hire Me” event at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds today. Students had the opportunity to complete live interviews with numerous companies. Sam Wilkinson and Seth Miller were interviewed by Greater Lafayette Magazine on their reaction to this opportunity. Students responded favorably to this event and felt it was useful as they prepare for the next step after graduation. Mrs. Current and Mrs Mattern were chaperones for the event and are very proud of how our students represented Attica High School.